19 April 2012

O is for Over the Rainbow

Do you ever find yourself drifting into the great abyss? Your mind seems to empty itself of all the frustrations, your eye stops twitching and you become blessedly focussed. Those around you might complain, after all your glazed eyes and dreamy expression mean you're either in La La Land or enjoying yourself a bit too much. And you're perhaps oblivious to the goings on around you.

I must admit I am a day dreamer too. I often have some random thought occur to me, such as I wonder who invented staplers? and go from there. I can't always tell that I'm off with the fairies though, and it's often when I bump into stationary objects, like telegraph poles, that I'm shaken awake into reality again. Some might call me distracted, but I prefer to reference the great John Lennon and his Imagine.

My boss goes ape whenever my mind travels, and my friends are forever asking me if I'm ok. "Are you alright? You look a bit dazed". I don't know if there is a cure, but even if there was, I wouldn't be interested. I find trying to decide whether a Unicorn could take on a giant echidna far too amusing. In fact, I propose that we should dedicate time to allowing the mind to wander - there's so much wonderfully weird stuff to discover about ourselves, it could certainly be useful.

So, drop me a line if you too find yourself thinking about what lies over the rainbow and whether it warrants the time of day and for the nay-sayers, I quote you John. (Lennon that is). You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...

Jessenia xoxo

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