3 April 2012

C is for Clubbing and Cocktails: How the Rules Have Changed

Recently Jess and I had occasion to go to a club. Clubbing is not something I do regularly and this was a one-off birthday celebration. The experience made me reflect on how clubbing has changed since I did go regularly, some twenty years ago.

Clearly the music and the fashion are different. Time has moved on and thankfully we have passed the pastels, frilly collars and gigantic shoulder pads of the 80s.  And that's just the men's fashion!

Today security at clubs is far more rigorous and id requirements are more strictly controlled. Way back then there were no photo ids and pretty much all you had to do was look over 18.

Before entering the club, Jess filled me in on how young women today have to protect themselves whilst clubbing. This gave me pause. Back in my day, protecting yourself had something to do with not getting pregnant or hammered.

My, times have changed. We now have a whole new vocabulary around date rape, date rape drugs and theft. I was counselled not to leave my drink unattended and to finish it before going onto the dance floor. I was counselled not to leave my bag at the table while no one was in attendance. Today Gen Y- ers have to worry about Roofies, GHB and Ketamine. They also have to worry about Ecstasy, Ice and Crystal and a myriad of other substances that can be ingested undetected. Going to a club today takes military precision planning and co-ordination. These SWT's all know to:

  • Drink only from tamper-proof bottles and cans and insist on opening them.
  • Insist on pouring or watching while any drink is mixed or prepared.
  • Not drink from group drinks such as punch bowls.
  • Keep an eye on drinks or open soda cans and that they should not trust someone to watch it for them.
Way back when we drank from communal plastic open cups. We happily left our drinks and belongings at the table whilst we danced knowing that they would be there as we left them. Our biggest risk was getting lung cancer from all the smoke in the club, which of course has now been banned. Our awareness of our surroundings was muted at best.

In some ways, Gen Y are far more enlightened than we were at that age simply because they have to be. Life has become a little more complex and dangerous.

However, I did observe that the more some things change, the more they stay the same. There will always be girls dancing together on the dance floor, groups of guys watching them and Nutbush City Limits by Tina Turner is still one of the best dance tracks around!


  1. Another interesting challenge post from you. I don't think the I.D. thing is part of British clubing. I found that aspect particularly interesting.

    1. Thanks Sherry.I guess the UK mus be more trusting that here in Australia

  2. I don't do clubbing but I still found this entertaining!

    Nice to meet you, and welcome to the Challenge!

    A to Z Challenge Host

    1. Nice to meet you too Karen and thanks for the positive feedback!

    2. Also, I'd love it if you stopped by my main blog at raisingthe curtain.net and let me know what you think.


  3. Yes, times have changed, haven't they. Sad...
    And I've gotten old. LOL
    Good luck with the Challenge.

    1. They have and there are no old people here on this blog :). Good luck to you as well Shannon.
