6 April 2012

E is for Entitlement

People are getting very annoying these days. So annoying in fact, I'm debating whether or not I need to campaign to rid the population of the affliction otherwise known as entitlement. They say that young people these days are brats. They say that young people are impatient. They say that young people are selfish hedonists whose pleasure knows no bounds. They are right. Although I propose they are pleasure seeking hedonists too. I am proposing that as it stands, nearly everybody everywhere who is in Sydney and has interacted with me in the past month is a self serving, pleasure seeking twat and needs to be told they are not ENTITLED to anything.

I am a fairly nice person. I think. I am considerate. Occasionally. Although whilst I am willing to speak my mind, and tell people to bugger off when they step on my toes, I think I was one of the few who stuck around for the 'no one is owed anything' lecture.

Have you noticed the rude sneers people give shop assistants when their desired item is not in stock? Have you noticed the angry remarks thrown at cashiers when their card is declined, as if the cashier is to blame for their credit problems? Or the rude morons who jump the queue because their bus is going to arrive ANY MINUTE?


I suppose the immediacy of electronic transactions and internet shopping makes it seem like everything else needs to happen at the speed of light. And when people are spending their hard earned cash, they want value dammit! But seriously, let's all take a look at how we speak to the poor sods behind the counter. And do we honestly think it's acceptable to blame the bus driver for morning traffic?

The impatience that stems from people's twisted perceptions is astounding. Have you ever had the thought run through your head that they should drive the bus faster because now I'm late or hurry up and serve me - I have somewhere to be! Or have you perhaps complained that there should be more tellers working at the bank right now so I don't have to wait?

I think we've all had the thoughts. I think we've all wanted to let rip at the powerless minion working hard and trying their best. But it seems there is an increasing majority voicing their entitled opinions, so I pledge that the next fool who tries to hurry me because their bus is coming, or blames me because there is an eftpos minimum, or gets frustrated because I don't remember the product they ordered last month is going to get it.


I will not  be the hapless victim in some witless wonder's tirade because they believe they are entitled to something I clearly don't have to give. So to those who know they're not owed anything. To those who wish to rid themselves of the ugly affliction, join the ranks in the campaign against the selfish hedonist who demands everyone else be there to cater to their every whim. That way, we can all be selfish hedonists. But we'll not demand - we'll ask. With a pretty please and a cherry on top and bright, mega-watt smile!

Jessenia xoxo

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